Governing Body
Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

Our Governing Body is responsible for ensuring that our School conforms with the legal guidelines laid down by Parliament and the Local Authority (LA).
Their responsibility is for overall policy. The day-to-day business of organising children’s learning and of managing time, space, staff and resources is for the professional team led by the head teacher.
Together with the professionals in school they share responsibility for:
- The school’s standards
- Its value for money
- Its proper management
- Its fairness in dealing with its staff and pupils
- Its communication with parents and the public
The governing body must ensure that in delivering its responsibilities, it promotes and safeguards the welfare of children.
The Governors act through a series of committees. Copies of the Minutes of their meetings are available below.
Attendance Register